
Sunday, October 11, 2015

New Twin Peaks T-Shirts

Four new designs from KRW Designs to celebrate one of my most favorite show - the 90's TV classic by the twisted and fabulous David Lynch - Twin Peaks!

This is my favorite (so far).  Poor, tragic Harold Smith. Agoraphobic grower of beautiful orchids in Twin Peaks. Who could forget his haunting suicide note? "J'ai une âme solitaire" - loosely translated from French, it means I am a lonely soul. Get this exclusive "I am a lonely soul" shirt.

Who can forget when Pete Martell accidentally served Special Agent Dale Cooper and Sheriff Harry S. Truman coffee that had been fish filtered? Classic! Get this exclusive "Fish in the Percolator" shirt.
And who didn't wish they could be Diane and be on the receiving end of all of Dale's hilarious recorded messages? Get this exclusive "Chocolate Bunnies" shirt
Then there's everyone's favorite - The Log Lady! Thank goodness Margaret was there to translate for her log! Get this exclusive "My log does not judge" shirt

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