Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Win a Swag Bag Worth Over $1,200!

The members of The indiExhibit have banded together to create the mother of all swag bags--a super sized prize bag filled, no, OVERFLOWING, with wonderful products ranging from stunning jewelry to stylish electronics. This incredible swag bag is valued at over $1,200! Yes, $1,200! If that isn't fun enough, we've made it even more exciting!

From now until January 15th, you will be purchasing discounted raffle tickets without knowing exactly what goodies are in the bag! Then, every week, starting Monday, January 16th, we will reveal a few products that are included and the price of the raffle tickets will go up. The more prizes that are revealed, the more the tickets increase! You can chose to purchase the discounted tickets in bulk with the prize unseen, or wait until the last minute and pay a little bit more! It is all part of the mystery!

The proceeds from this raffle will benefit The indiExhibit. The indiExhibit is a nonprofit artisan organization that provides exposure to its members through celebrity and charity gifting, as well as encouragement and inspiration in a fun, online community style atmosphere.

Get Your Tickets NOW!

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