
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Help a Good Cause and Get Featured on My Blog

My good friends John and Stacy Lynch, owners of Cripple Creek Barbeque Sauce, have been on a long and hard journey to start a new chapter in their lives.   John, a trained chef, wants to bring his BBQ to the people.  They want to expand their BBQ sauce business and own a food truck.  But as you may guess, it's not so easy to get funding for new businesses these days.

Through a program called Kickstarter, John and Stacy have been working tirelessly to raise funds for their new business. With less than 48 hours to go, they are less than $1,700 shy of their goal.  However, if they don't reach their goal, Kickstarter will not give them any of the money pledged and they will back to square one.

In an effort to help, I am offering to give my fellow Zazzlers a solo feature here on my blog if they pledge as little as $5 to the cause (and of course, if the goal is met).  Stacy is also a Zazzler, as many of you may know,, which is why I am appealing to Zazzle shopowners.  I am hoping I can get you to please help one of our own.

Each and every Zazzle shop owner who pledges will get a solo feature regardless of how much they pledge (and John and Stacy have goodies to give you depending on your pledge amount as well).

Not a Zazzle shopkeeper but have your own online business and want a plug for helping CCB out - great! Glad to do it! Just message me and I'll confirm with John and Stacy that you pledged and I'll be glad to give you a feature.

But please - don't hesitate - pledge soon.  And if you can't afford to pledge - please pass the word on via FaceBook, Twitter etc.

Visit to pledge




  1. Hi Kerry :)

    Blessing Art Animals would love to help another Zazzle shopowner! Followed your link via paypal. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to help out :) sharon f

  2. Thank you Sharon! I know John and Stacy will greatly appreciate it :)

  3. Kerry ... just sent a Paypal donation -- Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help Stacy and John in their venture, and for being such a supportive friend. Your encouragement meant the world to me when I first got started at Zazzle, and I'm glad to be a part of our collective support for Cripple Creek BBQ! Best of luck and success to Stacy and John! Thanks and big squirrel hugs, Kerry -- you are the best! -- Teri

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think that is a great idea; unfortunately I am so strapped right now I can't make a donation, but I will be happy to retweet and repost @ their story. Everyone needs a little help, as do I.

  6. Thanks Kim! Support of every kind is welcome :)

  7. Donated! Zazzle has been good to me - Happy to help! Who doesn't LOVE BBQ?

    Confirmation number: 0MH9928706144392J.

    golden_oldies at Zazzle - :)
