
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Shoulda Been There - New John Lennon Biography

I have had the pleasure of recently making the acquaintance of Jude Southerland Kessler and her husband, Rande Kessler. Jude has written a new, documented, biography about the early life of former Beatle, John Lennon called, Shoulda Been There.

Being a Beatlemaniac myself, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my copy. Once I've had a chance to read this book, I will be posting a review here for everyone to see, but in the meantime, I do have the following information about this wonderful biography.

"Here comes a book that breathes life into the [Lennon] story...and I say, 'Hey Jude, carry on!'"Bill Harry, noted Beatle expert and Founder of Mersey Beat

The Only Documented Historical Novel on Lennon

Literally hundreds of non-fiction books have been written about The Beatles and about the man who formed The Beatles, John Lennon. And quite a few fictional books about Lennon have been created to amuse fans. But Jude Southerland Kessler's Shoulda Been There is the first book ever to tell the Lennon saga with carefully researched footnotes and detailed, informational endnotes, while using a fiction format to keep the reader turning the page. Researched for over 20 years with 7 trips to Liverpool and countless interviews with John Lennon's friends, early band members, first manager, and club D.J.'s, Shoulda Been There traces Lennon's life from 1940 to December 1961 (when The Beatles signed with Brian Epstein). But it is not just a story about the birth of a band. It is the tale of a lost child whose parents, for one reason or another, pushed him aside for other pursuits. It is the story of all children for whom someone "shoulda been there."

All of the scholarly, non-fiction ingredients are present in Shoulda Been There: an encyclopedia of real characters complete with bios of each, an index and thorough bibliography, and a glossary of Scouse (Liverpool) terms. Yet the book is a riveting novel. Although it is 795 pages, it is written in short vignettes that can be digested quickly. It is, as David Haber of wrote, "something special." Bill Harry called Kessler's unique approach of weaving data into a compelling story "factional."

Now, all you Beatle and John Lennon fans are probably asking yourselves, "Where can I get a copy of this book?" Well, you won't find this at your local Borders or Barnes & Noble. You won't even find it at However, I am pleased to tell you that you can purchase a copy for $29.95 plus shipping and handling Right Here. This book is available to ship worldwide.

For anyone who does buy a copy of this book, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. I hope you will please come and post comments here and let us all know how you enjoyed it. Oh! And as they say on TV - Makes a Great Gift! :)

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