
Thursday, June 30, 2011

The indiExhibit - Showcased on Zazzle Blog

reposted from the Zazzle Blog

Seller Wednesday – Guest Blog by HahpiStuff

By Jes, Zazzle Community Producer

Shannon, aka Zazzler HaphiStuff, wrote about a group she founded called indiExhibit that helps artists (and fellow Zazzlers) get together and participate in Hollywood gift lounge events. To learn more about this amazing community started by a fellow Zazzler, be sure to read the full post below.

Steve-O with an iPad Case by Zazzler PsychoClowns


Our first event was the ESPY awards at the Playboy Mansion in LA in 2010. What a way to start! Since then, IE has participated in The Golden Globes, The Sundance Film Festival, The Kid’s Choice Awards, and The MTV Movie Awards gift lounge events. We even had an opportunity to create special swag bags to send to the set of HBOs huge vampire hit True Blood! The bags were received at the end of their shooting schedule, but we’re eagerly waiting to see some of our members’ items on the set during the last two episodes of the season! Members have also received the opportunity to create swag bags to be given away to guests on BETs Monique show. Every month we will supply the show with a quantity of bags filled with goodies created by our members which will be given to the celebrity guests. We also had an incredible opportunity to create a special bag for legendary director Tim Burton. Such an amazing chance to get your name and work in front of influential buyers!

Recently, following a spectacular reception at the MTV Movie Awards at the beginning of June, we have been given the opportunity to create special swag bags for MTV’s The Electric Barbarellas, a hot girl group with their own reality show on the music network. We also have some top secret plans for even more exciting special swag opportunities coming soon!

The indiExhibit is growing by leaps and bounds! We welcome new members daily and continue to grow, not just in number, but as artists and friends. Crafters and artisans of all types and levels of experience are heartily welcomed into our group. We look forward to seeing many more of our fellow Zazzlers joining us at The indiExhibit.

Brandon Mycal Smith with Keds by Zazzler Kewzoo

More about the indiExhibit:

The indiExhibit is a group of artisans and crafters from around the world who have come together to support and promote one another through a non-profit company. We offer our members the chance to participate in red carpet Hollywood gift lounge events as well as other exciting swag bag opportunities. By working together as a group, we not only share the expenses, which would be insurmountable for any of us as individuals, but we broaden our sales scope by incorporating a multitude of product types, design techniques, craft styles and demographics.

Founded in 2010 by Shannon Justice (known as HahpiStuff here on Zazzle), The indiExhibit works as a community; a place where artists of all type are welcome to come and participate at the level they are comfortable with. Everyone is welcome at IE! We have tons of Zazzlers, but we also have jewelers, doll makers, sculptors, vocal artists, fashion accessory designers, authors and so many incredible artisans. We encourage our members to get to know one another through our private Facebook group, which fosters an environment of camaraderie, idea sharing and cooperation. Some of our members have even come together to collaborate on projects, combining their artistic talents to create something entirely new and share the cost of the event. It’s a wonderful, fun, nurturing environment.

When it comes time to participate in events, members are given several options for participation to meet both their promotional needs as well as financial ones. Packages range from simply including business cards to providing items for the swag bags and having an item on display. Swag bags are given to the celebrities who attend the gift lounge event and we also have an option to provide info and products to be given to members of the press who attend these galas. Members who opt for the display packages will usually get a photo or their product with a celebrity. These photos can be used by the members for non-paid advertising – which are excellent for their blogs, websites, and other forms of promotion.

You never know what will happen because of one of these shows! Some of our members have been contacted directly by stars wanting their items. One of our jewelers sold her display necklace from one show to a member of the press, who then bought her display necklace from the next show before the show even happened! Sometimes a star will even ask if they can have an item. At a recent event one star fell in love with a member’s pair of Ked’s and another star went nuts for someone’s skateboard deck. How can you put a price on being able to say a well-known star has your product?

Kyle and Chris Massey with Skateboards by Zazzlers KRWdesigns and VitalVirtues

Shannon and The indiExhibit administration are constantly thinking of new, affordable ways for their members to participate and get the word out about their products. This month alone, three new projects were rolled out to try and increase exposure and opportunities for our members.

If you’re interested in learning more, or possibly joining indiExhibit, contact Shannon by shooting an email to her at

Vistit or

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Much Ado About Russian $2 OFF This Weeken ONLY!

This Weekend ONLY! Now thru June 19 you can buy a paperback copy of Much Ado About Russian for under $10!

No more waiting! Get your copy of Much Ado About Russian and start off your summer reading with a bang! (perhaps I should say fang!)

This weekend only, just because I'm a nice person, I have decided to offer MAAR for $2.00 off. But this offer is only good through my site. It's not good at (they won't take my coupons - sorry). However, the CreateSpace shop page on the FHS site is actually part of, so you are safe and secure - I promise!

Prefer your books digital these days? No sweat! Kindle/Nook versions are just $4.99. What a great deal! You could be reading this fabulous new book in a matter of minutes. What are you waiting for? Go! Get it now!


And have a fun and safe Father's Day Weekend everyone!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Vampire Diaries Stars with Fair Hero Series Book

This past weekend I had the honor and pleasure of repping for my fabulous group The indiExhibit at the GBK Gift Lounge for the 2011 MTV Movie Awards. While I was there I met many wonderful celebrities and had a chance to speak to many of them about our group and about my book.

But I was especially fortunate to have two of the actresses from the CW show The Vampire Diaries, Kayla Ewell and Malese Jow, take photos holding my book. In fact, Kayla Ewell was so sweet, she even insisted on taking a picture with me.

So fans of Vicki and Anna on Vampire Diaries - here you go! Photos of the actresses holding a copy of the brand new Vampire Fiction Series - The Fair Hero Series: Book One, Much Ado About Russian.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kerry Rockwood White Interview With James Oh

Kerry Rockwood White Interview With James Oh

From the Profile of Author blog of James Oh (and thank you again James!)

It is a great pleasure to have Kerry Rockwood White "Much Ado About Russian" review today. A very warm welcome, Kerry and thanks Kerry for giving us the chance to get to know you more and also for allowing us a glimpse of the world that you have created inside your writing. Thank you very much. Let her walk through her profile and book, as appended below, before we kick off the Q + A session.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR -Kerry Rockwood White

Kerry Rockwood White is the author of the book below.

Do you love Vampire Fiction? Are you hungry for a new series to sink your teeth into?

The Fair Hero Series is a new series of vampire fiction that debuts with Much Ado About Russian, a thrilling combination of mystery, fantasy, romance and humor. You'll love Hero Fletcher, a sassy and sarcastic heroine who discovers the tall dark handsome stranger she has just met is even stranger than she imagined!

Q&A portion:

James: When did you begin to write?

Kerry : I've written off and on most of my life. When I was a young girl in school I would often ask if I could write my own story rather than do a book report.

James : What made you choose this genre and the title of your book?

Kerry: Frankly, one day my husband and I were making jokes about something to do with vampire stories or movies. I don't recall what it was exactly. Something had just struck us funny. I made a comment about a "Women's Guide to Dating Vampires". The seed was planted and after that the idea of creating my own vampire story started to grow.


As for the title, the main character is named Hero Fletcher. Her father, and English Lit professor, named her Hero after Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. And the mystery in this book revolves around an antique Russian snuff box. Hence, Much Ado About Russian.

James: Where do you get the inspiration for your stories?

Kerry: Some of the inspiration comes from my own life. I lost my mother to cancer a few years ago, and in the book, Hero has also lost her mother to cancer. Much of the inspiration just comes from things that interest me or that I believe people would find interesting. I like pop culture and you'll find a lot of pop culture references in the book. Hero and I are very similar in that regard.

James: Can you enlighten us a little more about your books?

Kerry: Hmm, what to say without giving too much away? :) Well, no sparkling vampires. (not that there's anything wrong with that) The first book has vampires, obviously, shape shifters and faeries. Other supernatural characters will appear as the series goes on. The supernatural world is all striving to solve an ancient puzzle. The Russian snuff box that is central to the plot of the first book is a piece of that puzzle. Each book will focus on the mystery as well as the relationship between the main characters, Hero and Kin.

They are light-hearted, funny and quick-paced. Hero has a great "voice". I love the way she communicates with the reader. I believe readers will indentify easily with her and enjoy her sarcasm and humor. As for the vampire angle, I believe I've added a few tweaks to the standard/modern take on the vampire lore.

James: Is there anything else you would like your readers to pay special attention in regards to your book, which you have not mentioned above?

Kerry: The faeries. The source of their magic. I may have very special plans for them in the future :)

James: When do you plan to publish your book 2.

Kerry: I hope to have it out by December.

James : How many volume of books for the above series ?

Kerry: I don't have a set number planned. Hopefully, if people enjoy it, it will be an ongoing series.

James: Thank again Kerry Rockwood White for joining us today. Let us wish her a fulfilling day.

Kerry: Thank you!